Stone Water Features


Water and stonework are naturally drawn to one another. It's not surprising that homeowners seek out stone waterfalls, ponds, fountains, and other water features. In the past, we talked about stonework in hardscaping-- those incredible, gorgeous features that make a beautiful flow in landscapes.

But, when it comes down to it, the best landscape features are the ones that amalgamate the beauty of stonework with water: waterfalls, pools, fountains, and ponds. These water features are primarily aesthetic. People are attracted by water features no matter what form they take, but moving water is especially alluring.


The benefits

In Arizona, water features are wards against the intense climate. It provides mental respite, even when you're not encouraged to swim in it. Critics might argue that water is scarce in Arizona, and thus water features have no place there because water is a limited resource. However, water in fountains is recycled, and the perks of the evaporating water in an area are noteworthy. And even though we are in love with water features for their own merits, these other benefits ought to be considered.

Cooling properties

Additionally, putting water to the northern side of a building or enclosed in an area such as a courtyard can cool the immediate vicinity. In Arizona's hot, dry climate, even the smallest degree of cooling can supply gargantuan comfort. Plants nearby will also benefit. Another consideration is the benefits of the sound created by running water. Fountains can be used for their white noise to mask unwanted sounds. White noise is especially effective at covering sounds, for example, air conditioning units. When a person lives near a school, train, shooting range, or any other noise-making facility, a fountain could be the best resolution.

Home value

Lastly, it's almost impossible to ignore the resale value a property acquires when a water feature is installed. And while it's true that good landscaping can attract buyers, swimming pools, on the other hand not as much. Nevertheless, even small water features can cause a home to stand out to possible buyers, who might not want the nuisance of dealing with a pool, but who would be excited to appreciate the gratification and serenity a small fountain might provide.

If you're considering adding a water feature, why not talk to one of our experts? We carry an extensive line of high-quality water feature elements and are sure to have stone or tile that will make your water feature exceptional.


North Valley Stone is a family-owned and operated hardscape materials company serving Phoenix and surrounding areas. We strive to bring our customers natural stone and quality materials at affordable prices.  Call us today at (623)244-8657.