Why You Should Choose Fire Glass for Your Fire Pit

A fire pit installation in the backyard enhances its beauty and acts as a focal point. It creates a warm and cozy atmosphere and lights up the yard for an outdoor evening party. A great way to liven up outdoor gas fire pits and make them visually striking is to use fire glass. It has emerged as an efficient alternative to firewood or fake ceramic gas logs.

What is fire glass?

Fire glass serves as a medium for fire features like gas fire pits and fireplaces. It has gained immense popularity as a fire pit embellishment due to its captivating beauty and functionality. 

Fire glass consists of tiny bits of tempered decorative glass media made of recycled glass, treated under extreme heat and high pressure for safe use in fire features. If you are looking to install a fire pit, here are a few reasons to opt for fire glass as a media:

Durable and long-lasting

Fire glass is very durable. It can withstand extreme temperatures and does not pop, crack, melt, emit toxic fumes, burns, or discolor for years. It is non-combustible and does not explode. Fire glass is an efficient material that causes the fire pit to use less fuel and generate more heat. Fire glass is a one-time investment, unlike firewood. Homeowners may buy different types of fire glass for decorative purposes.  Once purchased, fire glass can last a lifetime. 

Easy treatment

Most homeowners hate the idea of cleaning up the fire pit after a relaxing and entertaining evening. Unlike wood, there is no ash, soot, splinters, and other mess to clean with fire glass. It keeps the area surrounding the fire pit dirt-free and dramatically reduces the maintenance requirement. Fire glass needs little upkeep and removes the hassles that come with wood usage. It is also a cost-saver since it eliminates the need to buy special cleaning kits for fire pits. If there is dust build-up over time or the fire glass starts to look dull, use warm water and a gentle dish detergent to wash the fire glass and restore the shine instantly.


Fire glass is safe for the health of the family and the environment. Manufacturers tumble the fire glass to soften the sharp edges, ensuring that it does not cause any harm even when handled with bare hands. Fire glass is a sustainable material as it is made from recycled glass. 

Burning wood in the fire pit is a fire hazard. It also produces smoke and toxic fumes that lead to environmental pollution and create lung and other respiratory illnesses. Fire glass does not emit any smoke or odor and is perfectly safe to use, both indoors and outdoors, even with pets and children nearby.


Fire glass is available in varied shapes, styles, sizes, and exquisite colors to enhance the aesthetics and allow customization. It is simple to find a fire glass design to match any home style. The sparkling glass adds a contemporary feel and luxury to the backyard space. You can switch the shape and color of the fire glass to complement other backyard features and make your fire pit unique and aesthetically appealing.

Contact a reliable fire glass supplier to purchase high-quality materials to add brilliance and color to your backyard events. 

North Valley Stone Supply LLC is a family-owned and operated hardscape materials company serving Phoenix and surrounding areas. We strive to bring our customers natural stone and quality materials at affordable prices. Call us today at (623)244-8657.